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Adopt remote training to address learning challenges.

How Lincoln Tech went from in-person to remote training with TOPYX.


Lincoln Tech provides skilled trade and vocational education at 22 brick-and-mortar campuses. They began to realize that relying on in-person training and conference calls were not effective ways to meet the needs of their teachers and staff members. Lincoln Tech turned to TOPYX LMS to cut down on travel, scheduling issues, training material costs, and communication errors.

With TOPYX LMS, Lincoln Tech has been able to:

  • Speed onboarding with online, self-paced training
  • Create a remote training process that kept course effectiveness high during COVID-19
  • Implement a way to meaningfully evaluate and improve training methods
  • Offer multiple training paths on specific functional areas for staff and faculty and easily add new content as needed 

Download the case study today and see how Lincoln Tech used TOPYX to address their remote training challenges.

TOPYX LMS is flexible and customizable to support virtually every remote training need across multiple industries, from non-profits to corporations.

Download the Case Study